CANtrace 3.15 Released
NewsWe have released CANtrace 3.15. The new version is now including a comprehensive J1939 database in DBC format. Also introduced in this release is delta time, that is, displaying the time delay between the reception of two messages of the…
CAN Automotion – A new partner
CAN Automotion is a leading provider of hardware, and software tools for OEM manufacturers and developers working with field bus systems. They offer comprehensive solutions for mobile machinery control systems, including telemetry, remote…
Use right network technology for right purpose
Research and publicationsMany of us is thinking every now and then, would it make sense to throw away other network technologies and just use Ethernet or WiFi for everything? It sounds attractive, that single network does everything, only a single tool chain is required…
Does your instrumentation support the new IoT services?
Research and publicationsNew IoT services
New core services in the domain of IoT concentrate on early detection of various exceptions in the target process. The earlier detection shall work, the smaller deviations shall be detected. Reliable identification automatically…
CAN perusteet koulutus Tampereella
NewsTKE järjestää CAN perusteet koulutuksen Tampereella
CAN perusteet koulutus auttaa sekä mekaniikan, hydrauliikan että sähköasennusten parissa työskenteleviä henkilöitä tekemään yhteistyötä automaatioasiantuntijoiden kanssa. Kurssi…
Kvaser Android Driver 1.0.4 Released
NewsBetter user interface for the Qt demo application
We have released a new version of Kvaser Android driver which has a better user interface for the Qt demo application. The Java API, canworks driver was compiled in Android Studio 2.3. Canworks…
Analysis of residual error and their consequences in CANopen systems
Research and publicationsResidual error analyses for CAN networks have been performed for years. It is well documented, that commonly used equations do not fully apply for analytic computing of the residual error probability of CAN networks. Also too high bit error…
CANtrace 3.14 Released fully supports Windows 10 OS
NewsWe have released CANtrace 3.14 today
CANtrace 3.14 new version now fully supports Windows 10 OS. The send tab now fully supports editing single bit signals, as well as non-aligned Motorola format signals.
The new version comes with a new easy-to-use…
Case study: Water Jet Control System
Case StudiesDesigned the CAN-based control Water Jet Control System
TKE OY, specialized in CAN-technology, has supplied a water jet control system in year 2016 to a leading Water Jet manufacturer. We gathered requirements and designed the CAN-based control…
REMU – Control system for Big Float excavator- Case study
Case StudiesControl system for the REMU Big Float 800 dredging excavator
TKE OY's CAN technology expertise was vital in developing the advanced control system for REMU Ltd's Big Float 800 dredging excavator. REMU Ltd, a leading…