Product Code: 73-30130-01411-4
11 323,00 SEK
Introducing the USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent: Your Ultimate Silent Multichannel CAN Interface
The USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent is a cutting-edge, compact, and versatile four-channel CAN/CAN FD to USB real-time interface. It operates in a unique silent mode, known as ‘listen-only’, ensuring complete silence on the CAN bus without any transmission capability.
Listen-only capability
Standard CAN interfaces allow both message reception and transmission, enabling system configuration. However, for customers developing sensitive autonomous or safety-critical systems, a listen-only capability is crucial. This interface guarantees no interference with the bus or surrounding systems, safeguarding against unauthorized applications or potential hackers.
Non-disruptive CAN interface
With its unrivaled ability to maintain silence while providing real-time monitoring, the USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent is the ultimate solution for secure and non-disruptive CAN interface needs. Whether you’re involved in critical system development or protecting your CANbus infrastructure, choose the USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent for peace of mind.
Experience the power of silence and secure your CAN network with the USBcan Pro 4xCAN Silent today!
Major Features