Product Code: 73-30130-00779-6
Kvaser USBcan Pro 5xHS: High Performance Five-Channel CAN Bus Interface with Real-Time Connectivity
Kvaser USBcan Pro 5xHS is a five channel, high performance, CAN bus interface that provides a quick and flexible way to connect your PC to multiple CAN bus, in real-time. Fully compatible with J1939, CANopen, NMEA 2000 and in addition this device supports CAN FD.
Monitor multiple CAN buses – Includes 5 channel breakout cable
Monitor multiple CAN buses more precisely with the Kvaser USBcan Pro 5xHS. With all channels configured for High Speed CAN (ISO 11898-2),high time-stamp precision means that only one USB port needs to be allocated when monitoring multiple CAN buses, reducing the need for an external hub in many applications.
Kvaser USBcan Pro 5xHS handles transmission and reception of standard and extended CAN messages on the bus with a high time stamp precision. This device supports CAN FD.
Main Features