Pre-Study allows us to get to the heart of the real challenge

Research / Pre-Study

Pre-Study is a way to tackle the true core of your challenge

When designing new systems or planning changes to applications, it’s important to familiarise yourself thoroughly with the subject. To ensure that the customer gets exactly what they need, it’s necessary to examine the background information and the current situation in depth.

We offer our customers the opportunity to carry out a Pre-Study, during which we unearth the true core of their challenge and the issues relating to conquering it. Pre-Study makes it possible to minimise unnecessary work, resulting in reduced costs and quicker advancement of the process.

In Pre-Study, we delve into the challenge with the help of a customer interview.

We work in stages, which translates as a learning process made together with the customer. By working in stages, we are able to maintain the right direction in what we do and are able to react in good time to errors or changes occurring along the way.

With Pre-Study, we can offer the customer various solution alternatives.

The extent of the measures to be taken varies according to the size of the project. When charting the challenge, the issues covered can include the following, for example:

  • the present situation
  • the core of the real challenge
  • defining the desired features
  • defining the factors that must be taken into account in the development work
  • analysing the necessary measures to be taken
  • estimating the utilisation of current mechanisms
  • forming an impression of the operating environment of the future
  • brainstorming various solutions together

The implementation of Pre-Study takes approximately 2–4 weeks, depending on the scale of the project

Ask us for more information about our Pre-Study services!

You can contact us using the form below, by emailing

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