Product Code: 73-30130-01524-1
15 463,00 SEK
Kvaser USBcan Pro 5xCAN is a fully programmable USB-CAN interface that offers plug-and-play functionality and supports high-speed CAN FD up to 8 Mbit/s. It features automatic time synchronization and is fully compatible with Kvaser CANlib, making it ideal for smooth multi-channel performance and analysis.
This high-performance CAN/CAN FD to USB interface features high timestamp precision, automatic time synchronization and the ability to run t scripts. As a multi-channel device, it allows multiple CAN buses to be monitored via one USB port. This makes it ideal for software updates or simultaneous data acquisition from multiple channels.
In additionally, it is designed for real-time transmission and reception of Classic CAN and CAN FD messages on the CAN bus with high timestamp accuracy.